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Welcome to the collection site of Kirovograd.




Excellent collectors:

Belgium Marnix Van Daele (x5) marnixvada@yahoo.ca

Marnix is the best collector with whom I have deals,he is man of great honesty and its real pleasure to swap or even speak with him,when I receive his coins its also the greatest pleasure to see really beautiful coins that you can put to your collectiom with real pleasure.He halpe me many times,I recomende to all swap with Marnix!(I cant to say more about him because I can't explain all my emotions and minds in English).

Good collectors:

Armenia Norayr Harutynyan arnogen@inbox.ru

Austria Filomeno Koch (x2) filomeno.koch@magnasteyr.com


Belgium Ronny De Wolf (x3) ronny.de.wolf@pandora.be


Belgium Paul Vander Sypt vander.sypt@pandora.be

Belgium Bart Cools coinsxchange@hotmail.com

Belarus Victor Filipchik victor@transtechservice.com

Brazil Joao Silveira Junior seawind@terra.com.br

Croatia Denis Buric denis.buric@kr.tel.hr


Germany Eduard Schaefer es@ed-schaefer.de


India Dr. Sunil Richardson drsunilrichardson@rediffmail.com

Italy Antonio Vitale antonio.vital@libero.it


Italy Gianna Reggio aurelia_olga@yahoo.com


Italy Claudio Imperatori cobrapel@tiscalinet.it

Italy Pasquale Santorsola (x2) pas.sant@katamail.com

Lithuania Sarunas Mortuza (x2) s_mortuza@hotmail.com

Luxemburg Marc Audry (x2) maudry@pt.lu

Netherlands Wim Walgers w.p.walgers@hetnet.nl


Netherlands Ton de Neve (x2) 1.neve@wxs.nl

Netherlands Simon van Zessen zessen48@zonnet.nl

Pakistan Rabia Zafar zafars@edgema.com


Portugal Hugo Raimundo h.raimundo@clix.pt

Slovenia Samo Gostincar Samo.Gostincar@Delmar.si

Spain David Rivera Alonso drivera@iberdrola.es


Spain Juan Jose Regueiro (x2) uanjoseregueiro@hotmail.com


Switzerland Patrick Hoegger phoegger@quantamail.ch







Bad collectors:

I hope I will not met this collectors.

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