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Welcome to the collection site of Kirovograd.
Excellent collectors: Belgium Marnix Van Daele (x5) marnixvada@yahoo.ca Marnix is the best collector with whom I have deals,he is man of great honesty and its real pleasure to swap or even speak with him,when I receive his coins its also the greatest pleasure to see really beautiful coins that you can put to your collectiom with real pleasure.He halpe me many times, I recomende to all swap with Marnix!(I cant to say more about him because I can't explain all my emotions and minds in English).Good collectors: Armenia Norayr Harutynyan arnogen@inbox.ru Austria Filomeno Koch (x2) filomeno.koch@magnasteyr.com http://members.surfeu.at/filokoch Belgium Ronny De Wolf (x3) ronny.de.wolf@pandora.be http://users.pandora.be/ronny.de.wolf1 Belgium Paul Vander Sypt vander.sypt@pandora.be Belgium Bart Cools coinsxchange@hotmail.com Belarus Victor Filipchik victor@transtechservice.com Brazil Joao Silveira Junior seawind@terra.com.br Croatia Denis Buric denis.buric@kr.tel.hr Germany Eduard Schaefer es@ed-schaefer.de India Dr. Sunil Richardson drsunilrichardson@rediffmail.com Italy Antonio Vitale antonio.vital@libero.it http://digilander.iol.it/antoniovitale73 Italy Gianna Reggio aurelia_olga@yahoo.com http://www.geocities.com/aurelia_olga/Italy Claudio Imperatori cobrapel@tiscalinet.it Italy Pasquale Santorsola (x2) pas.sant@katamail.com Lithuania Sarunas Mortuza (x2) s_mortuza@hotmail.com Luxemburg Marc Audry (x2) maudry@pt.lu Netherlands Wim Walgers w.p.walgers@hetnet.nl http://home.hetnet.nl/~walliby/index.html Netherlands Ton de Neve (x2) 1.neve@wxs.nl Netherlands Simon van Zessen zessen48@zonnet.nl Pakistan Rabia Zafar zafars@edgema.com www.geocities.com/rabiazafar78/index.htmlPortugal Hugo Raimundo h.raimundo@clix.pt Slovenia Samo Gostincar Samo.Gostincar@Delmar.si Spain David Rivera Alonso drivera@iberdrola.es http://www.geocities.com/jo7lan/monedas.html Spain Juan Jose Regueiro (x2) uanjoseregueiro@hotmail.com www.iespana.es/billetes-monedasSwitzerland Patrick Hoegger phoegger@quantamail.ch
Bad collectors: I hope I will not met this collectors. |
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